Sunday, December 4, 2011

Things We Wish We'd Never Eaten #5: In-n-Out Burger

This post come to you courtesy of Daniel himself, who feels that he is too often being maligned by me and would like some input of his own. I still retain editorial control over all content.

IN-N-OUT is a west coast burger institution, dating back to 1948 in SoCal. The menu is simple, the decor is retro-simple, the food is super fresh and the stores are ALWAYS packed. The chain has a cult following with fans ranging from Tucker Max to Gordon Ramsey.

The IN-N-OUT chain is privately owned and controlled by the Snyder family that started it all. As such, the quirks of the chain are consistent store-to-store and state-to-state across 250+ locations.  The best example of this has to be the Bible references that are printed in discreet places on wrappers and cups.

I have two theories on this little detail:

1)   They are selling a religious experience.
Being a burger aficionado, feel free to check my references, I am fully qualified to say that In-N-Out is an out of body experience.  The burgers, the shakes and the fries individually are beyond good, probably the best I’ve ever eaten, but together its just exceptional. Needless to say, I wouldn’t be too surprised to see a Jesus face in the oil splotch of an In-N-Out chip bucket.
2)   What they are selling will lead to a religious experience.
This is the theory that Sarah will most likely side with. A double-double meal (w/ shake) comes with (for the almighty sum of ~8 bucks) a whopping 1655 calories,  just a Mars Bar shy of your RDI… As such, it seems only dutiful that with such a heart hardening serve of deliciousness, they also provide you with some counseling and guidance for the after life.

Either way I’m not fussed, but burgers will never be the same again.

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