Friday, December 9, 2011

Life Elevated

Thanks to the limitations of our pathetic spare tire we meandered from Monument Valley to Moab, a small adventure town in southeast Utah. It was like driving through a dream. The Utah slogan is Life Elevated, and it's easy to get high on the scenery of this fascinating state. The lowest point in Utah is 2350 feet above sea level, and the highest is 13528. The below photos are just a teaser - wait for the next two posts...

It was Saturday afternoon when we arrived in Moab, and the only tire shop in town doesn't open on the weekends. We'd been giving our spare tire a workout, blissfully ignorant as to the likelihood of it blowing, but we had a 500 mile drive back to Vegas on Monday morning. We had to arrive by lunchtime to make our flight and, even if the tire was likely to hold for that distance, 50 miles an hour wasn't going to cut it.

The old boys in the local auto store put us in touch with the guy who runs the tire shop in Monticello, an hour out of Moab. We'd actually driven past it earlier that day, but we're idiots and didn't stop because it wasn't hire company-approved. As it turns out, we had no choice but to go back to Monticello and get it sorted Sunday morning. It cost us $40, which the hire company reimbursed anyway.

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