You would think, given the time of year and our location, we would have done some research into what happens to cars in sub-zero temperatures. Rather, we decided to be intrepid (intrepid, not stupid) travellers and learn by experience. And so when we awoke on our last morning in La Push to find our car covered in ice, we thought ourselves surely intelligent enough to deal with the weather (something which you'll note we've had
plenty of success with thus far). After some serious scientific experimentation the only progress we'd made involved carving humourous yet appropriate song lyrics onto the side of the car.
Ice Ice Baby |
It took us half an hour of idling the car, running the windscreen wipers and pouring slightly warmer water over the windscreen before finally feeling brave enough to run the window heaters – we’d been scared of shattering the glass – and leave the car park. Leaving the Olympic Peninsula was desperately sad for the both of us, and we hope to be back there before too many years. The sunrise as we drove out was nothing short of spectacular – the sky was blue, and the horizon held masses of fluffy white clouds. As the relatively warm waves broke on the sand they spawned an almighty mist, which rose and rose before drifting back out to the ocean, obscuring the Quileute needles in an other-worldly haze. Magnificent.
Five or six hours south, Portland, Oregon, awaited us, but we took a detour along the way. America is a country built around the automobile - drive-through coffee, Dunkin' Donuts, ATMs, and a rainforest. Specifically, the Quinault Rainforest, surrounding Lake Quinault. A couple of days earlier we'd gone out to Hoh rain forest, which was quite spectacular. But, we had to get out and walk. I mean, really. Apparently a lot of the locals prefer Quinault, because Americans don't like walking, and the loop around Lake Quinault allows you to drive through this particular rain forest.
Hoh Rainforest |
Quinault Rainforest |
The most incredible thing about both was the contrast between the lush green that covered every surface and the burnt orange fall leaves that were equally abundant. The wildlife was also easy to encounter - we haven't hit a deer yet, but it's not for a lack of trying. We also found a bald eagle, but it was eyeing us off with murderous intent, and so we didn't hang around too long.
Evil Eagle |
We eventually made it to Portland, but not before doing a scenic loop of the inner-city freeways and bridges. Daniel insists that he simply liked one particular bridge enough that he wanted to drive over it not once, not twice, but three times. I've been letting him think I believe him.