Thursday, September 12, 2013

Things We Wish We'd Never Eaten #2.1: Fro Yo

Apologies - I didn't quite know how to number this post. I wanted to keep the old series alive but at the same time be clear that this is v2.0. It looks messy, but so be it.

Frozen yoghurt. We know it as fruity stuff that comes in tubs in lieu of ice-cream. It's posited as a healthier option, but you deliberately avoid looking at the nutrition label anyway. In America, frozen yoghurt is an altogether different institution.

A Coma in a Cup
Step 1: Grab your overly large cup and choose your fro yo base. If you're feeling virtuous, your choices include 'tart', which I presume is natural yoghurt. But, let's be honest, nobody outside of Los Angeles is choosing that, and it was tucked away in the farthest corner. Other options included vanilla, chocolate and strawberry cheesecake. They're located in pairs, and a middle lever will combine them for you (because to have to pull two separate levers would expend far too many calories).

There was, and I'm not making this up, a lever labelled 'cake batter'. Even Danny and I have boundaries, so we didn't confirm this concoction, but I wouldn't be surprised. It was paired with cookies and cream. We stuck with vanilla and chocolate.

Step 2: Toppings. This is the fun part. Yeh, there's a fruit section. Presumably that's for the people who get 'tart' yoghurt, but I was quite impressed to see fresh raspberries. Gummi bears, sprinkles, skittles, m&ms, choc chips, oreo, cookie dough and reese's pieces, now THAT'S where it's at.

Step 3: Weigh and pay. It's almost a double entendre.

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