Monday, September 16, 2013

Things We Wish We'd Never Eaten #2.3: The Little House of Pancakes

The Little House of Pancakes in Gatlinburg should actually be known as the Little House of Not-So-Little Pancakes. Still famished from our hike the previous day and further exhausted from attempting Le Tour de Cades Cove, we stopped in here just before closing time for a late lunch (and an early heart attack).

Pancakes (and especially waffles) seem to have a close synergy with fried chicken in the south of this country. Don't ask me why. I think I got through one of the pancakes, maybe one and a half. Daniel polished off his fried chicken, doused in smoky BBQ sauce, and also managed a couple of free soda refills.

On a side note, you may notice that Daniel is growing a beard after deliberately "forgetting" to pack a razor. It has white whiskers and ginger streaks in the cheeks. Enough to put anybody off pancakes.

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