Monday, November 14, 2011

Things We Wish We'd Never Eaten #2: Paseo

Paseo is a Seattle institution. Daniel apparently came across this little Carribean eatery on the internet and wouldn't have looked twice (ok, thrice) except for that it has more than 1500 reviews and a 4.5 star rating on Yelp. It's not in Seattle proper but a suburb called Fremont, which has a reputation as a sort of artist's enclave (much like Fremantle). It didn't look like we were going to get there (see previous posts about our mood in Seattle) as it was our last night, late, dark and raining. But, feeling adventurous (and hungry), we somehow managed to get on a bus that took us in the right direction but dropped us off ten blocks early. We walked up a dark, deserted hill in the rain and amazingly found this place. It was tiny and absolutely packed. We both ordered their most popular sandwich - the Cuban Roast. This concoction of marinated, slow-roasted, pulled pork shoulder with lettuce, caramelised onions and mayo was life changing, and I don't usually like this sort of stuff.

It was even better than it looks. By the time we'd finished it was 2100 and there were no buses in sight, so we walked back down the hill and in the direction of the Fremont Troll, which lives under the Aurora Bridge (it's a giant statue). Somehow, subconsciously, we decided it would be a good idea to walk across the 898 meter-long bridge, into the nothingness on the other side, to try and flag a taxi. No luck, but a bus arrived and took us pretty much straight back to our hostel. One delicious adventure.


  1. Hi Sarah and Dan! What wonderful, wonderful experiences you are having and seeing such special places. You write beautifully Sarah and we are loving your blog and stunning pictures. I'm sure the days are going too quickly for you but enjoy every minute. With love, Nana xxxx

  2. The onions looked like witchety grubs on first glance!!!!

  3. There may need to be some remaking of these things on your return.
    Nice use of 24 hr time also. I chuckled.
    - Mek
